Please read below to discover just a few reasons why we feel our services separate us from the pack of many other clinics/offices in the country.
We have board certified specialists:
Only a small percentage of physical therapists across the country are Board Certified. The American Physical Therapy Association established areas of specialty where a physical therapist can “raise their game”. Physical therapists with an “OCS” after their name indicate they are an “Orthopedic Clinical Specialist”. As stated by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists “The specialist certification program was established to provide formal recognition for physical therapists with advanced clinical knowledge, experience, and skills in a special area of practice and to assist consumers and the health care community in identifying these physical therapists.
Residency Trained Physical Therapists:
A relatively new trend in the field of physical therapy in the US is Residency. It simulates other doctorate-degreed professions in that it is training that occurs after the individual has graduated from physical therapy school and has attained a license to practice. Usually the residency-site is geared towards a specific field of specialty, orthopedics, neurology, pediatrics, etc. A physical therapy residency program involves a vigorous program involving written and practical examinations and daily training by a trained specialist that can last 6-24 months. This program is designed to develop a physical therapist to effectively and efficiently listen to, treat, and diagnose patients at a higher, more specialized level, than their peers.
Time & One-on-One Attention:
How often do you hear someone say, “I saw the physical therapist on the first day and then I saw him/her again once or twice in passing” or “I went to physical therapy and then they put me on the bike and put that tingling machine on me”? It is our opinion at Joints in Motion Physical Therapy and Wellness that if this has happened once it has happened far too often. We pride ourselves on delivering the highest level of quality care. This involves treatment sessions that last 45-60 minutes. It involves an assessment of your progress EVERY VISIT, and it involves a PHYSICAL THERAPIST putting his/her hands on you EVERY VISIT!!!!